Contains 3 separate modules, each sorted by number and extent of influence mods have on the game. Floris Mod Pack (2.54): A mod consisting of many others, improves gameplay, content and appearance within the native setting of Calradia.Evlat: A new story and new quests to Calradia.Diplomacy: Adds new diplomatic options.Calradia - Warring States (v1.2611 final beta): adds new faction, new city, and other new features.Calradia Reimagined: A mod based around hugely expanding native gameplay, along with the addition of new and more historically accurate factions.Brytenwalda: A mod based on the British Isles.

Sword of Damocles: kingdom management, additional mercenaries and factions, customisable banners among other things.

Star Wars Conquest (v0.9.4-relcand): Star Wars universe.1866: A western-themed mod set in the year after the American Civil War.Players can explore the elven city of Caras Galadhorn in the module The Last Days of the Third Age. The following mods were designed for the original Mount&Blade, and are not compatible with the expansion. Mods with names but no links will be removed from this list. It is the intent that viewers take some time to develop complete articles on their favorite mods rather than just being satisfied with links to a download. A few iconic images would be nice as well. This page is a list of mods for the Mount&Blade series.įans of particular mods should take some time to flesh out the entries and keep the version numbers up to date.