This is good for the listening experience and cross-platform management, and it can also avoid the problem of volume competition. Average loudness can provide a better user experience and be more consistent across platforms. TIDAL, Amazon Music, and YouTube now use the same method to manage loudness. After averaging the volume, you can reduce unnecessary volume and focus more on sound quality. TV stations, radio and online music streaming platforms will play the volume for processing, which can avoid the phenomenon of turning up the volume to attract attention, which is what we call volume competition. The average volume of the overall sound is calculated and then the average volume is calculated and the difference between the volume and the desired volume can be adjusted. What is LUFS? It is short for loudness units relative to full scale, which is the unit used in EBU R128, and EBU R128 is a set of guidelines for standardizing loudness and the maximum allowable audio signal level. Starting in 2015, they turned down the volume on music videos relatively loudly to avoid freaking out about the volume when switching videos, resulting in a bad experience., Set the volume to a low level and reproduce almost the same volume, the overall loudness value set is about -13 LUFS. The way YouTube regulates volume at first didn’t use -14 LUFS, which is an exact value. YouTube quietly adjusted its playback volume to -14 LUFS, achieving full equalization. Steps to remove automated communication Feature.YouTube quietly changed its loudness playback policy to achieve full average In windows 10, it's an automated feature to adjust the volume of the different sounds if you are using your computer for telephone calls.

Let's do it step by step to fix the low volume or no sound. Troubleshooting is the primary step you have to take if you are not getting any sound or it's showing the low volume of the other software sounds. In this post, I am going to share all the software you can use to equalize the loudness and all the possible reason and solutions. I was facing the same problem, the sound was not that pleasant, so I enhanced the sound, and it is working pretty well. Most of us don't even know why and how to use loudness equalization in windows 10 until we feel unusual loudness in videos. Loudness equalization is a very important factor if you are watching any video or listing a song.