Note that if you plan to fight him, you should probably have ED-E wait somewhere. You’ll get sent back in a second time to finish softening him up and complete the quest (as long as you don’t accidentally kill him).

Boyd will make you take a break and step in to intimidate him more.
He won’t fight back, so just hit him a few times until he loses about half of his health. Just use the non-speech checks and beat Silus up after he decides to clam up. Boyd, you can just follow her wishes exactly. That opens up an interesting course of action. Of course, if you want to support Caesar’s Legion, you will want to hold off until you’ve met Caesar. Since you’re an outside contractor, you can apply some “enhanced Interrogation” techniques to Silus to make him talk without technically breaking any NCR rules. It seems that they captured a high ranking member of Caesar’s Legion, but he doesn’t want to talk. On the second floor, in one of the side rooms, you can find Lt. You can start this quest at any point by going into the terminal at Camp McCarran.